Bastille Day – the song heard round the world!

14 07 2017

Vive Le Français!

The end of feudalism, the beginning of fugualism – the song heard round the world!

As poignant as Bastille Day is to liberty in France, the song begins with a sharp paradox of thought, traditional of Rush’s lyrics. ‘There’s no bread, let them eat cake, There’s no end to what they’ll take. Flaunt the fruits of noble birth, Wash the salt into the earth.’ The phrase let them eat cake, usually attributed to Marie-Antoinette, though most likely uttered by another of France’s royalty, summarizes completely the reason that the people of France had every right to end feudalism. As the word nobility, is from the latin gnobilis, which broken into it’s parts becomes, gno – from gnosis, to know, and bilis meaning ‘able to be,’ thus providing the word noble with the definition – ‘to be able to know.’ Since the phrase ‘let them eat cake,’ demonstrates total ignorance of baking, (in France no less) ending the waste of resources, ‘flaunting the fruits,’ which at the time meant washing the salt into the earth, the result of feudalism, became imperative to the French people.

As the subtitle, I paraphrased ‘the shot heard round the world,’ as it is traditionally used to mean that the first shot fired in the American Revolution inspired the French Revolution, leading eventually to Our Lady Liberty. Yet, as today, many of the circumstances seem to be repeating themselves. It seems to be close to the point of ‘let them drink covfefe,’ yet with communication resources, and ability to discern between news and propaganda increasing, today’s people ought to be able to ‘Guide the future by the past.’ Today, we have witnessed peaceful revolutions, and though ‘All around us anger burns,’ there seems to be enough compassion within today’s people that we wish to show our children and descendants that we have learned the lessons from the past, and don’t all believe we must drink the covfefe.





