Time Plus Chaos Equals Infinity

26 07 2017

Struck initially by the similarity of principles described in ‘Time Flies’ and Laurie Anderson’s song ‘Ramon,’ which I described in a recent post.

‘You realize time flies, And the best thing that you can do, Is take whatever comes to you.’  Now, being a very slow turtle  I certainly have a strong case of hesitation blues. Yet, as the title implies, all cannot be known since broken down Handbook of Poetic Phonetics style ‘infinite’ could be taken to mean ‘In the Fire of Night’  using the enunciation of fire taught in Bob Marley’s Ride Natty Ride. 

Taking whatever comes to you doesn’t make sense logically, since an item may be to heavy, and lead to ‘an asset drain.’ As described in Ramon, when you see a man or woman suffering. help.  The premise here is that not many of us are capable of knowing how any particle would act within a system, therefore allowing for unpredictable results. Since, this is a basic fact of nature, the lines in the Porcupine Trees song ‘How does time break down With no marker, things slow down. A conference of the strange And your family is deranged,’ make a bit more sense, and reflect the last lines in Ramon, ‘And you? You’re falling, And you? You’re travelling, Travelling at the speed of light.’



