Still Reading

8 05 2022

Several of the books I have read lately are best described as Heavy. From Julia Kristeva’s Revolution in Poetic Language to George Lakoff’s Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, the depth of thought is profound. It has taken me twice to get as far as I have in Lakoff’s book, and I’m only close to finishing the ~400 page part one. How language affects thought is intense! There is an interesting cross over of objectivity and symbolism across artistic genres.

My next book delves into the correlation between symbols and time! That concept isn’t new in itself though. As I was reading Cixin Liu’s The Three Body Problem, I was struck at the parallels between his Trisolarian civilization unfolding atoms, and the folding up of motorcycles into suitcases in cartoons such as The Jetsons. Does the fact that the symbol spans time and cultures reflect an objective reality? Of course, here in the U.S, even speaking of a book called The Three Body Problem can lead people to the wrong idea.

I haven’t written here as often as I thought, once a month is a reasonable goal for now, so see you in another moon cycle!

